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Doctor's Visit

A Word From Our CEO


“Our clinic is inclusive. We don’t want to turn anyone away because we believe everyone deserves access to quality care regardless of their race, social status, or economic position. When you look at the world of healthcare equity, the best care is typically given to those who are socially and economically privileged. We’re trying to change that. You’re a human being, you deserve quality healthcare, period.” 

Our Mission 

 Our mission is to provide quality healthcare to underserved communities with an emphasis on reducing maternal and infant mortality rates in underrepresented women and children. 

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where equitable healthcare is available to everyone.  Our programs and services promote the overall health and well-being of marginalized communities through education, quality healthcare, and encouraging healthy lifestyles.  Our all-inclusive services provide healthcare with open doors instead of barriers. 

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